Beach Road shaping up to be a Quek and Kwek playground | Singapore Property
Fri, Sep 29, 2017 - 5:50 AM Kalpana Rashiwalakalpana@sph.com.sg@KalpanaBT The Urban Redevelopment Authority tender for the two-hectare...

The property market - is it a-turnin'? | Singapore Property
Monday's flash estimates will confirm or debunk analysts' suspicions that prices have indeed bottomed out Sat, Sep 30, 2017 - 5:50 AM Lee...

ICB Shopping Centre headed for en bloc launch at S$65-70m | Singapore Property
Analysts expect the mixed-use development to attract small to mid-sized developers Tue, Sep 26, 2017 - 5:50 AM Lee...

贝雅士路两栋毗邻优质洋房 预示价6500万元求售
2017年8月31日 星期四 03:30 AM文/韩宝镇来自/联合早报 根据2014年总蓝图,洋房的总楼面面积各为8400平方英尺。屋主列明两栋洋房必须一起出售,因为他相信这么做能够获得更高溢价。(高纬环球提供) 植物园附近贝雅士路(Peirce...

2017年8月12日 星期六 03:30 AM文/韩宝镇来自/联合早报 (彭博社) 郭令明也建议政府撤销合格证书条例和额外买方印花税等降温措施,让发展商能够在不受条规限制的情况下累积土地库存,以稳定房价的增速。 城市发展(CDL)执行主席郭令明对政府售地计划和集体出售一再刷...

S&P strips Hong Kong of AAA rating after China downgrade | China Market
People walk along a promenade before the city skyline in Hong Kong. PHOTO: AFP Published Sep 22, 2017, 12:50 pm SGT HONG KONG (BLOOMBERG)...

S&P says downgraded China as credit growth still too fast | China Market
China's finance ministry said on Friday (Sept 22) that the downgrade was "a wrong decision" that ignored the economic fundamentals and...

Property agent punished for lack of due care | Singapore Property
Ng Ser Leong is the first agent to be taken to task by the Council for Estate Agencies' Disciplinary Committee for not conducting his...